Saturday, November 22, 2008

Fun in the Leaves

I love fall, but it seems it came and went really fast this year. I remember the maple in our front yard was so orange last year and seemed to keep it's leaves a really long time. It was just about a pretty this year, but the leaves fell off really fast it seems.

Nonetheless, the boys got to play in the piles of leaves their dad created for them while cleaning the yard. Here's some pictures from the fun they had.

A bird's nest still rested in the branches of the dogwood that is in Mrs. Ruby's yard.

Joseph found some berries on a bush...he didn't try to eat them but did throw them at Zachary.

Check out my picasa web album for more "fun" pictures


Anonymous said...

They look like they are having so much fun! :)

Sheri said...

Amanda stole my comment- I was going to say the same thing!

That means YOU did a good job capturing the moment!