Anyhow, a past co-worker got in touch with me yesterday and it so happens he is in to photography now as well. He had some awesome panoramic from a trip he took to Arizona so I had to ask how he did them.
He pointed me to a free tool from Microsoft called ICE. It is totally easy; no brainer; feed it pictures and it does the rest. I had to share these images I/it created.
For those of you who have gone through the pain-staking process of "stitching" pictures, you will be amazed at what this tool can do. Usually to take panoramic pictures, you want to make sure that your camera is in the same horizontal position with an overlap of each shot. Well, I followed no rules for creating a panoramic when I took these --pretty much they were random shots. I'll let you be the judge of the results!
All of these were taken June 30, 2008 from overlooks along the Blue Ridge Parkway. you can click on the photo to go to my FLICKR page with a better view of the image.
This is my favorite view. In the distance is the Smoky Mountains. Here's the sign that shows the points of interests.
As the sign says, this is Pounding Mill Overlook, ELEV 4700. In the distance, about the middle is Stone Mountain (I think that's what it is called). Not to be confused with Stone Mountain GA.
The sign here tells about the Qualla Indian Reservation. Don't remember exactly where this is. I really need to get a GPS for my camera...someone drop a hint to my hubby for my birthday.
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